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Not enough? Well not to worry. Here are some more of the helpful information articles our staff have drawn together and published on our main 1to1Legal website:

2 Harcourt Chambers: If you've already been through a dozen other law firm's sites before reaching this article and have started to think just how alike they all seem to be in both language and imagery - this will be a happy jump into cold water for you: class="infoquote "Founded in 195...

A City Law Firm: Their organisation provides an excellent range of user side data which is sadly not mirrored by their Scottish or Irish counterparts. They will all still be the positive comments, but https: testimonials " they will also display< a> the name of an actual ...

Backhouse Solicitors Ltd: Are they cherry picking? class="infoquote "extremely professional and always responded to the many queries I had" "extremely diligent and responsive, usually replying to emails within 5 minutes" "Their replies to my queries were both timely and accurate" "The...

Beers Solicitors LLP: Very positive with many of them quoting and praising the staff member involved by name. The reason you need to be aware of potential issues is because there are lot of scams going around just now targeting case types where clients have to pay large lump sums - such as prop...

Bellax Solicitors: For today's example we'll be using the Bell Lax Solicitor's website. The firm's name is quite unique so even common variants such as 'bellax solicitors' brings up the correct firm. class="infoquote "Are Drunken Contracts Binding?"< div> They have a real news sect...

Branch Austin McCormick Solicitors: The main reason we dislike such claims is that typically a firm claiming to have hundreds of years history are doing so because they have nothing much else to boast about. We have always encouraged firms to have such profiles on their website. If you https: solicitors.laws...

Bridge McFarland Solicitors: Just typing 'bridge mcfarland' currently shows nothing on Google, you have to type in the full 'bridge mcfarland llp lincoln' or whatever office is nearest you. Not least so because it means they are registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which we have long prai...

Brown & Co Solicitors: Plus dozens of review pages both monitored and unmonitored. To check the individual experience amongst law professionals there is a great resource on The Law Society of England & Wales' website. If a firm states they have a certain number of years' experience 'within...

Buchanan & Co Solicitors Ltd: However every firm we add to our network goes through various checks which we often write about, because much of the things we do can be helpful for any potential client in their search. If you've been through a few other articles or pages of this site you may have noticed t...

Burton & Co Quality Solicitors: That's quite something unique to see. Like those Law Society logos you see stamped across many solicitor websites. (Hence us bringing it to your attention here.) Obviously we would never tell anyone that a specific firm is the right one for them. It's meant to convey 'quali...

Cheshire Estates and Legal Ltd: We typically don't quote reviews listed on a firm's own website (more commonly called 'testimonials') ever since our poll last year indicated that only 8% of people trust such testimonials on company sites. The official site we link to above is with w...

Cook's Solicitors: It also means you've got the best of both worlds - i.e. a genuinely local firm but with a much larger firm's resources behind it. Whilst many firms provide testimonials on their websites, these are not normally given much attention. Newcastle RTB team where [sic] a nightmare...

David Stinson & Co Solicitors: The main issue with typing wrong web addresses directly into the browser bar is that when typos like that occur you can end up being redirected to a https: wiki Phishing" phishing< a> site. However for smaller more simple cases such as a two week whi...

Disrepair Claims UK: The second means that there are no fees to pay whether you win OR lose. There are firms and even individual solicitors that cover a wide range of case types, sort of 'jack-of-all-trades' solicitors. There are plenty of things we might change about the legal industry, but all...

Frazer Coogans Solicitors: At 1to1Legal we also have a staff member who went through law school whilst working here, so we're very aware there does need to be a fair bit of flexibility and a desire to encourage a staff member's studies to make that situation work. Sometimes even DURING the house...

Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Ltd: Always remember though that ampersands cannot be in web addresses (e.g. Modern Systems. www.goldsmith& can't exist). With people moving more freely between companies these days that is even less true now than it was fifty years ago. This firm is cov...

Guardian Law Ltd: class="infoquote "Get instant access to our FREE People Manager's Guide before you have your difficult conversation with an employee" "Access our FREE Guide to Employment Contracts to find out what's missing in your contract"< div> One thing which really sto...

Hill House Chambers Barristers: When this is true they will hire a Barrister on your behalf. If you weren't aware - we are now quite far from the 'old days' of a high street solicitor's office where you have to go for anything legally oriented to get done. Always take care on the internet as many legal m...

JPS Walker Solicitors: If you're someone with a less than perfect memory then, it's probably a good idea to bookmark the correct site for coming back to later. . But hopefully this short exercise of deconstructing their site's language to try and point out some between-the-lines tips might help...

KRS Wills & Probate: One thing to watch for is the wording. I aim to offer home visits, and, where possible, evening and weekend appointments."< div> You would think in this day and age that legal services would have moved on from the 9-5, Mon-Fri rigid opening hours that dominated the lega...

Lefevres Scotland Ltd: A quick note on navigation too. So how does this law office fare on the third party forums? The most common ones people visit are https: search?q=lefevres+edinburgh&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=Lefevres+edinburgh&aqs=chrome.0.0i355i512j46i175i199i512j...

LS Legal Solicitors: That's a considerable mix of seasoned heads with fresh eyes. However according to our poll a few years back only 8% of you trusted reviews provided by companies on their own website. All linked together in an easy to use database. In times gone by (we've been banned from wr...

Mac Jones Solicitors: If we do add a general law practice in an area though, we try to find one that looks the most 'solid'. Even better: get an actual solicitor with both. So here are some of the things we noticed and why they stand out to us as a firm that has worked in the industry for over 20...

Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors: Here at 1to1Legal we've been reviewing legal companies for over twenty years and have written hundreds of articles on them and the subject of law marketing. This includes the partners Hugh Thomas (qualified as a solicitor in 1977) and Michael Jones (qualified in 1985)....

Milners Law LLP: If you saw someone posting a negative review about Pizza Hut saying 'they wouldn't sell me a Big Mac!' - you'd think they were a little nuts. People naturally write differently in response to these requests from the actual firm compared to how they write comments to their ci...

MJV Law Solicitors: If that's 2x solicitors with 25 years' experience = still pretty good and making sense. Alan Vincent shows a qualification date in 1978 with the son, Michael Vincent, qualifying in 2011. On this occasion it seems that MJV have not used jargon to hide anything. We t...

Fentimans My Law Matters: When it comes to legal services, often the losing side in a case will leave a bad review. It can therefore be a good idea not to type important web addresses into the browser bar incase you make a mistake and succumb to a https: report-suspicious-emails-websit...

One Law Solicitors & Barristers: It's not common knowledge, but not all solicitors are qualified to go into court and argue cases. So how do One Law's barristers fare on those: class="infoquote "great communication and outcome highly professional" "exceptionally professional, friendly, ready to...

LRose Law Ltd: Just always make sure you know exactly which site you are on, which email addresses you are responding to, and we recommend putting full name displays in your phone contact list as well. Another resource to help with this is one we frequently recommend in our article...

RM Solicitors: Depending on the type of case you may also be able to receive 100% of your compensation as well. So when a firm lists several case types from workplace accidents to cyclist injury claims - it can seem strange that they refer to themselves as specialists. But keep in mind tha...

Simper Law: The firm name is Simper Law Ltd and most branding follows that style. Especially the review we saw where a person looking to divorce was mad at a criminal law firm for refusing to help. At Simper Law they have legal professionals from each of the last three decades available...

Smith & Graham Solicitors: class="infoquote "We are a multi-disciplined law practice providing high quality, cost effective legal services to individuals whatever the legal issue."< div> Bringing back the point about establishment dates: it is very possible to end up with a 1-year experie...

Stowe Family Law Solicitors: Some phrases may seem throwaway such as: class="infoquote "A tailored approach from a team that really understands family law."< div> Which again you've probably seen similarly worded statements on a lot of other firm's websites. Today's piece covers the website...

Swain and Co Solicitors: I approached them full of cynicism after years of let downs by other lawyers. class="infoquote "We will provide free first advice."< div> . A quick note on navigation considering the varied brand names. class="infoquote "Thank you so much for all you have d...

Taylor Price Legal Ltd: Legal professionals are treated very differently than services such as restaurants or hairdressers. We've seen them get one star ratings from people who are angry at a criminal defence firm refusing to take their divorce case. For example, if you saw a negative review for Bu...

Thaxted Legal Immigration: We even have a list of the most 'problematic' firms based on the complaints databases. With them only handling immigration matters it's also safe to assume they will be more up to date than a solicitor trying to handle a dozen different case types at once. class="info...

The Lady Barrister: class="infoquote "Direct access is a scheme which qualifies barristers to take instructions directly from a client, enabling you to instruct a barrister without first going through a solicitor. As part of a chambers you'll find every barrister works quite individuall...

Summerfield Browne: The firm states offices in London, Birmingham, Cambridge, Oxford, Market Harborough, and Leicester. However if you actually read through the comments you see one reviewer stating "I have provided them with amazing pension advice" which seems like an advert for their own comp...

The Legal Practice Solicitors: Today's article uses a firm actually called 'The Legal Practice' which is based in Wembley Park, Greater London. Sometimes simply because they received an official-looking email that said the bank details for payment had changed. The three words of the firm's branding 'the',...

Trojan Solicitors: The honest truth, however, is that you could end up with a 1-year-qualified solicitor from a 200-year-old firm. class="infoquote "The delivery of our services is centred on specialist practice areas ensuring our clients receive an expert and excellent service."< div> ...

Ullah Law Associates: For example, the biggest scam going around the UK just now is when fraudsters email clients saying the bank details for their house deposit have changed. Make sure you keep aware of the site you're on and never discuss payment details in emails . The official site we link t...

WH Law Ltd: A quick note on navigation should be made though because when looking up reviews on the public forums we did end up on the wrong pages sometimes. class="infoquote "We're experienced – our immigration solicitors have been helping people come to the UK for many years ...

Wildcat Law Solicitors: outdated, impractical, unfriendly, unprofessional, and inexperienced. Always make sure you're on the correct site and never be afraid to call up the firm if you're unsure about anything. Alot of firms might state they are 'award winning' without ever actually letting you kno...

Woodstock Legal Services Ltd: In most review articles we don't bother including them for the reasons just stated. Whilst there is a definite 'perfect professional' curve between experience and age, the fact this firm has qualified people from across the last five decades is clearly a good sign. ...

Young & Co Solicitors: class="infoquote "updated regularly every step of the way" "Made problems go away" "nothing seemed to much trouble" "they have been more then i could have asked for"< div> Those snippets are from some of the most common boards which are https: www...

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