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The people at 1to1Legal have been working in the industry for over 20 years and have worked with hundreds of firms and thousands of solicitors. Here are links to our colleagues unbias comments on firms we know:

A.C.S.L. Solicitors: We know this does happen alot with property matters, where clients of the other side start leaving negative messages about the buyer seller's solicitor. Unless there is a firm out there saying the like to use 'complicated English', are 'out of date', 'unfriendly', or ...

Amy King Solicitor: People are weird. class="infoquote "We represent each claim individually and invest our very best minds in every case we take on."< div> < br> This is often the centre of the argument between using a large or small firm to handle your case. If you type in the n...

Baker Hardman Ltd: There are plenty of really good, experienced paralegals out there. But it can result in having to wait for callbacks as the paralegal goes between you and the solicitor in charge. Unfortunately, Scotland's law society is nowhere near providing such useful informatio...

Brian Barr Ltd: So what are they saying about this firm on the independent forums? class="infoquote "began work immediately and tirelessly on my behalf for over four years" "nothing was too much trouble and communication was exceptional" "helped me through an absolute minefield"<...

Brodies Solicitors LLP: That's why most people turn to the independent comment boards such as Google , Trustpilot or Facebook rather than simply reading the customer testimonials provided by a company. Certainly Brodies https: expertise businesses-and-organisations case-studies " ca...

Calio Claims by Lindsays: With that all in the past, why do law firms still use separate brand names and 'Trading As' statements? The most common reason is modern appeal. This is typically in larger cases such as Medical Negligence where a lot more time and risk have to be taken on by the firm...

Cook Law in Wirral: class="infoquote "our solicitors in Wirral can provide clear, practical advice and work quickly and efficiently to help you"< div> One thing people may not know about is that for legal practices in England & Wales you can look up a wealth of details about th...

Cullimore Dutton Solicitors Ltd: class="infoquote "Being specialists in specific areas of legal work you can be confident that you are working with knowledgeable people"< div> Cullimore Dutton are unique in that they list the years of experience of each individual staff member. However, the 2...

Defank Solicitors Croydon: The website of The Law Society of England & Wales has a wealth of data for users to see the trading names, contact addresses, areas of expertise, staff, and more of any firm registered with them. If you see claims that they are 'award-winning' but absolutely no indication wh...

Dispute Resolver Consultancy: Google has also made changes so that reviews of a firm will often not pop up with just their name entered into the search. The official website is while the non-hyphenated is not currently in use. For solicitors it might be th...

CWJ Solicitors & Notaries: No firm will claim to have zero experience though, so how can you check? Luckily if you are in England or Wales the Law Society has an excellent database you can search. Variants such as are not owned by the firm and neither is any variation of clarkson-wright-ja...

Drummond and Miller Solicitors: Today's article however is on Drummond Miller. There are now literaly thousands of firms within the reach of your fingertips that could handle your legal issue. Sometimes for something as simple as an official-looking email telling them the bank payment details have changes....

Eatons Solicitors Ltd: Eatons don't use any actual wording tricks that we saw. Sometimes it's just because they received a last minute official-looking email telling them the bank details have changed. Also 'eatons solicitors leeds' will bring up different reviews to 'eatons bradford'. Partn...

EDC Lord Solicitors: A quick note on navigation. Therefore, it is extremely important to us that we provide an excellent service."< div> One of the standout features of the EDC Lord website is the detailed information provided on each of the firm's practice areas. class="info...

EMD Law Solicitors: They do claim a long history with 'established in 1918' on the About Us page. We tend not to quote any provided testimonials in these articles. (Lots of people smiling, looking at paperwork, and the obligatory handshake snapshot.) class="infoquote "We believe that v...

Foster & Coleman Solicitors: class="infoquote "With a reputation of providing prompt, practical and cost-effective solutions in a number of practice areas, they can guide you through the most challenging of circumstances."< div> The most common place people go to first when researching a f...

Frei Solicitors Ltd: (A thing we assume they learned from the rise of Kardashian-style role-models before them.) So while a specialist firm to help people with the 'problem' of massive wealth might sound odd to most - it will be welcome news to those who have built their wealth on being carefu...

Girlings Personal Injury Claims Ltd: We're referring to the fact Girlings Solicitors has a separate division for their compensation claims team called Girlings Personal Injury Claims Ltd . Today's article focuses on the firm Girlings which has a setup that might seem different and even unusual today, but which...

Harrisons Thames Valley Solicitors LLP: The 'feel' of a firm is lost to the 'look' of it. Their areas of law also show they specialise in Property matters. We had to look up individual listing information and reviews for each individual office. is not currently owned by the firm and t...

HCR Law Solicitors: It's dedicated to helping people who have been injured directly by, or through the negligence of, doctors, nurses, clinics, dentists, physios and other healthcare professionals. Often you can see themes in both the positive and negative comments which can help you define the...

Heritage Park Family Law: Since the explosion of the internet, we are now a good few decades away from people being forced to use the law firm on their local high street. A solicitor may not be able to represent you in court while a barrister can. If your family law matter is unlikely to require an ...

Horsley Holdings Ltd: They are a limited firm and https: consumers register organisation ?sraNumber=629429#headingFirmNames" registered with the SRA< a> (Solicitor Regulation Authority). The firm is also registered with The Law Society of England & Wales which is great. Th...

Kee Solicitors Family Law: Apart from that though, the site is happily concise providing the information you would want to read rather than hundreds of pages with bland articles simply for trying to get more pages into search engines. Not least with the external social impact of the changing world o...

Large & Gibson Solicitors: For Large&Gibson it shows staff such as Richard Wootton who qualified in 1974, Peter Dymock in 1984, Michael Rowland in 1992, right up to the (relatively new) Cara Sandillon-Charlton who joined the profession in 2015. As mentioned before the firm's own website www.largeandgi...

Lyons Law: Today's article focuses on the law firm Lyons Solicitors based in Bristol. In the middle of this are firms with multiple solicitors, each specialising in one or two areas of law. That's how a firm can 'specialise' in a long list of cases. We help and advise clients throughou...

Mark Croft Motor Offence: For some reason, the buyer doesn't bother checking up on this before transferring the entire house deposit to the fraudster's bank account. class="infoquote "I have been involved in the criminal justice system for over 28 years."< div> First is this quote above ...

McCarthy and Co Solicitors: It took us a few attempts on the Irish Law Society website just to get https: find-a-solicitor Solicitor-Firm-Search ?filters=t_tab2!q_McCarthy+%26+Co.+LLP#tab2" the search function< a> to work properly. For example if you type 'mccarthy and co in clon...

SG Murphy & Co Ltd: For today's article we're looking at SG Murphy Solicitors in Northern Ireland who describe themselves as: class="infoquote "... Other positive things that stood out to us was the firm's attempts to provide information on their site. class="infoquote "At ...

Nicholson Jones Sutton Solicitors Ltd: We've seen law firms given 5 stars for their amazing new menu, and one criminal lawyer specialist had a 1 star review for refusing to take on someone's divorce case. But our opinions are not bought and no firm gets to tell us what to write. Alternate searches such as ...

Oakwood Property Solicitors: For example https: organisation offices 470186 oakwood-solicitors-limited-" for this firm< a> you can see details about all offices, contact details, people that work there, languages spoken, and so on. But unfortunately when the only shop win...

PCS Legal Conveyancing: Solicitors may work with The Law Society. So it might be an idea to bookmark the site just in case. This means delays are common during what is already a difficult and nerve racking time for clients. class="infoquote "We provide a fast and efficient service which at...

Solidaire Law Ltd: class="infoquote "We aim to provide a fast and efficient service, with Settlement Agreements often completed within 24-48 hours."< div> Some more notes on navigation. This means you are able to verify the 'experience' level of any solicitor you might be thinki...

Sternberg Reed Solicitors: So what are prior customers saying? class="infoquote "couldn't speak highly enough of the service, professionalism and compassion" "got us a better outcome than we’d endeavoured" "professional and reassuring from start to finish"< div> Those are a few snip...

Thomas & Thomas Solicitors: So for a firm to have consistent 4+ star ratings in the real estate industry is unusual. But a 'large firm' can also sound like it has benefits too. The firm does have testimonials on their website. However this is something you can actually check up on if the firm is regi...

The Law Partnership Ltd: class="infoquote "We strive to resolve legal matters in a non-confrontational way – we prefer to resolve disputes outside of the courts through mediation and arbitration."< div> A quick note on navigation. If a firm has only one solicitor on board yet ...

TWB Probate Solicitors Ltd: The official site is which is HTTPS secure for submitting your personal details on their contact form. This mean you can also use the Law Society site to verify any claims a firm or professional makes about their experience. But th...

UVS Law Ltd: While it's very (very, very) easy to assume all government officials are corrupt and take bribes, it shouldn't be necessary if your lawyer has the skills required. So how do you find the best immigration service for your particular needs? class="infoquote "We are c...

Walker Foster Ltd: Remember, at one point people believed smoking was good for you. For example at Walker Foster they show solicitors with qualifications spanning the past four decades including Keith Hardington who qualified in 1995, Maxine Heppenstall in 2002, Danielle Harps in 2015, ...

Waterstone PS: class="infoquote "competent, professional, knowledgeable and very helpful throughout" "available to us 24 7 and really went above and beyond" "kept me up to date with what's happening" "made sure I got the appropriate treatment, physiotherapy and medication"< di...

Wildcat Law Solicitors: So what can? class="infoquote "When reviewing the performance of a firm or department we use various criteria; our focus is on the bench strength of the team"< div> That quote is from the website of https: " The Legal 500< a> who review ten...

Wilford Smith: Todays article focuses on Wilford Smith solicitors. class="infoquote "always on the end of the phone email when I needed to speak" "they kept me informed throughout, it was a very frustrating process" "helped make the experience as smooth as it could be" "C...

Wolf Law Ltd: Wolf Law don't make any such claims which is a good sign to start off with. class="infoquote "Wolf Law are experts in all kinds of claims, from slips, trips and falls, to road traffic accidents and medical negligence."< div> On navigation please note the offic...

WYM Legal Solicitors: So what are people saying about this firm? class="infoquote "really good at keeping us updated and we completed today" "knowledgeable and attentive from the beginning" "quote was affordable and cheaper than other solicitors"< div> As you can see from these s...

Law Solicitors: For example, with Law (aka All Law Ltd) it says solicitor Jeffrey Garland qualified 1982 while Christopher Mccrudden joined the profession in 2016. It's user-side offerings far exceed anything it's counterparts currently show. The worst currently target property matters due ...

Eve Lake Conveyancing: This is actually more significant than you might first think. Be aware though, in either case, most mortgage lenders will only deal with certain conveyancers and solicitors https: " on their panel< a>. class="infoquote "We want to help yo...

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