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Not enough? Well not to worry. Here are some more of the helpful information articles our staff have drawn together and published on our main 1to1Legal website:

ABS Lawyers Ltd: If not, try searching for a more local law society such as at the county or city level. If you https: organisation offices 600584 abs-lawyers-limited" check out the page for this firm< a> you'll see details of their two offices in Corby a...

Stenfield Solicitors Ltd: Never discuss payments or bank details via email and remember that even the most official looking email addresses can be faked. But how are people feeling about the services they've received from Stenfield Solicitors? The firm doesn't have a testimonials page, but that's...

Aconveyancing Ltd: Things moving slower than they'd want, or the client's feeling that their chosen firm could have done more to prevent a certain situation. So what can you use to judge the experience and merits of the hundreds of conveyancing firms available? class="infoquote "We are...

Antony Hodari Legal Services: Antony Hodari himself qualified in 1981, Emma Rees in 2000, right up to Rozina Bibi who qualified in 2017. But we didn't find out the spark that created Antony Hodari. To us that's a bit of a cheat. They even provide the qualification dates of any solicitors working at the...

Assured Probate Services: This particular claim above is made on a few pages we saw including the main page and their About Us section. unequalled in providing the highest standard of service and quality of advice"< div> So does this carry over in to satisfied clients? In all honesty this is a...

Allan Argue and Co Solicitors: Especially in more personally involved circumstances such as suing an employer or a friend's insurance company after a crash where you were an injured passenger. So when you see firms offering such on their website, don't just flick over it like it's nothing . The legal i...

Aspire Licensing & Administrative Services: For example you don't always need a lawyer to deal with your Tax HMRC problem. The same is sometimes true of debt matters. They are therefore not registered with the Law Society of England & Wales or the Solicitors Regulation Authority (SRA). However to be clear - Aspire Lic...

Bilkus and Boyle: But can you actually find out the expertise and experience of the firm's lawyers independently? class="infoquote "Our highly motivated and skilled team have a long-standing reputation for providing efficient and cost effective legal services."< div> Most legal pro...

BLZ Solicitors Ltd: But on scrolling through the personal background information it quickly turns out to actually be quite relevant . Usually this does not affect compensation claims. So to specialise in them most likely means they have a specialist knowledge they want to use or that they ha...

Catteralls in Wakefield: No seriously. You'll note that they have solicitors that have qualified in every decade from the past 40 years including Philip Lisle who qualified in 1981, Julie Burgess (1996), Rebecca Baker (2005), right up to Danielle Knee with the relatively 'green' 2011 in comparison...

DFA Law Solicitors: You can always hang up and call them back on the phone number you know is definitely for the firm. We guarantee you there is no 200-year-old solicitor sitting behind the desk of any law firm in the UK. The site is for a completely different law firm and severa...

Deo Volente Legal: So it's an unusual but good sign. Not just in the legal industry either, but generally. It's a useful tip to pay a visit to any firm's local law society whether national, county, or city level. For motor offence court cases you may be better off with a Direct Access barrist...

Dylan Nair Ltd Solicitors: class="infoquote "We take the time to get to know our clients, work in partnership with them and are always striving for the best results."< div> There is a glut of people willing to share their feelings about any company or product online. But just keep aware w...

Mckie Legal Solicitors Ltd: Knowing the correct name for a firm is also useful when background checking about them as that will be the name registered with organisations and government agencies. But to be honest, in the legal industry it's very common for solicitors to move to larger populations t...

Special Education Needs Lawyer: However for Special Needs Education Law absolutely the sooner you're talking to someone with the expertise and experience to guide you - the better.. If you've already been through a dozen law firm's sites today looking for one to help and didn't notice - just try typing a...

Fair Result Divorce: The legal industry is awash with firms boasting 200+ year old histories. A quick note on navigation. We try to provide information, reviews, and comparisons across not just a range of solicitors - but across a range of alternative options too. Once you have decided...

Fieldfisher Solicitors LLP: However these are sufficiently in the past to avoid anyone still mixing them up. For all we know, it could have been an award for best logo design. The firm has merged with others over the years including Martineau and Reid, Waterhouse & Co, Allison & Humphreys, etc. T...

Fultons Estate Agents: One thing to watch out for when going through reviews for conveyancing firms is to always read the actual review comments . The firm does cover Wills, Probate and Power of Attorney matters as well. "it's never too early to consult your solicitor" A quick ...

Hawkridge & Co Solicitors: But frankly, no law firm is going to advertise themselves as the opposite of these things. Hawkridge & Company are another firm which may appear like a regular high street firm, but they actually tick a lot of boxes for us that you typically don't get from many other legal...

Hooper Hyde Solicitors: class="infoquote "We're not stuck in our ways, we'll find the best solution for you and your legal challenges."< div> There are literally (and I'm using the old definition of that word) thousands of legal practices out there stating they are 'modern', 'friendly', ...

Howe and Co Solicitors: One of our staff worked in immigration (Liverpool) for about a year and confirms it can be a very emotionally strenous environment, and that's just for the workers. And by tiny, we mean absolutely unreadable. There are hundreds of reports of people https:

Ian Mallon Solicitors Ltd: Whenever we share a case study from one of our Motoring Offence law firms about how they got someone off a speeding ticket, practically everyone we share with ends up clicking through to that article. They provided details about work history, length of time working as a soli...

Jacobs Law Solicitors: It's not as though any would say the opposite either. A really good resource we constantly advocate is your local Law Society. A good mix of seasoned and fresh, experienced and enthusiastic - and that can't possibly be a bad thing. A different firm we reviewed yesterd...

Khan Law Glasgow: For all we know their award could be for best logo design or for having the nicest waiting room chairs. Despite the range of other 'Khan' law firms, this firm focuses on Personal Injury which doesn't have as much risk as things such as Property matters. However we beli...

Levins Solicitors: The firm has a range of experienced staff qualified over the past four decades such as David Woods (qualified in 1984), Tracy Morgan (2003), and Jonathan Heath (2011). We don't just gush about how wonderful they are with lots of exclamation marks. Not least to help the...

Lindsays Solicitors Scotland: The English Welsh law society's site provides a wide range of details on each firm such as alternate contact details, trading names, qualified solicitors at the firm, and even their qualification dates. Search engines seem to bring up the correct firm no matter what varian...

Linkilaw Solicitors Ltd in London: They obtain the relevant phone email contact details then contact the buyer seller pretending to be from the solicitors office and tell them new bank details to pay any deposits into. class="infoquote "Founded by two brave women in the midst of the pandemic, we underst...

Mason Bullock Solicitors: But www.mason& can't exist because you're not allowed ampersands in web addresses. So it's always a good idea to bookmark sites like this if you plan on returning and never discuss payments or bank details via emai.. The same goes for employment matters w...

McEwan Fraser Legal Scotland: The only common issue we've seen in the search stats is the mis-spelling of 'mckewan' rather than 'mcewan'. And that was only on a £260,000 house. But you'd be wrong. Such availability by McEwan Fraser during a very stressful process hasn't gone un-noticed as you'll ...

MGBe Legal Ltd: It's just that whilst people are quite willing to post about how bad or well their house sale went, they are far less likely to jump onto the internet to declare how their divorce, or criminal trial, or mental capacity claim is going. The list official recommendations for u...

NV Legal Solicitors: When a firm states it is a Personal Injury specialist it will usually then follow it up with a long list of case types covered including Professional Negligence, Slips Trips, Road Accidents, Work Injuries, Industrial Disease, Medical Negligence, Unfair Dismissal - th...

OTS Immigration Solicitors: If you https: office 601629 ots-solicitors-ltd" check the pages for this firm< a> you'll see a wealth of details including any alternate trading names, contact details, staff details, qualification dates, and more. OTS Solicitors are signed to...

Pacific Law: So public comments from previous clients will probably not be available for some time. ​ class="infoquote "Our technology takes care of the stuff in the background so our legal team can focus on what's important - you."< div> A quick note on navigation and ...

Penerley Solicitors: Their site is https secure for submitting your personal details on their contact form. For some reason, thousands of people have easily fallen for this. The official site we link to above is and redirects you there as well. ...

Pump Court Chambers Barristers: not the very nice helpful receptionist at the start of your enquiry or the senior clerk that got everything organised. Prior to this new setup, quite often the first time a client would meet their barrister is about 10 minutes before walking into the court room. For example ...

RD Costings Ltd: This is a costs drafting firm aimed at lawyers themselves. The site also states: class="infoquote "You may be entitled to compensation if you have been a victim of a violent crime."< div> The "may" being in bold is how it's written on their site. (Your solicitor...

Reid and Black Solicitors: Alongside Criminal Injuries, Untraced Drivers and Medical Negligence matters - Military Claims can take a long time, be less likely to suceed, and pay out much less for both the client and the solicitor. The majority are all like this and very positive. So by showing review...

Suhail Ahmad at Richmond Legal: The main one for English Welsh legal professionals is The Law Society of England & Wales and it is simply an excellent resource for people to use. Also the majority of scams against clients of law firms right now tend to https: main-news so...

Robin Somerville Barrister: We tried entering all the information it asked for and then different bits and pieces. This is not always the case. We've seen several consultants and sole practitioners advertising themselves as handling everything from Family Law, to Personal Injury, plus Immigration and m...

Conveyancing Search Providers: Also most of the fraud involved in conveyancing transactions tend to focus on actual buyer seller clients of the actual law firms. class="infoquote "Using our powerful IT systems we are able to streamline the whole search process so you can not only view completed sea...

Springle Solicitors: By reducing wasteful overheads, we can improve personal client service. There is an unrelated firm called Spring & Co Solicitors so just be careful how you type and click. We have written on a wide range of multi-practice firms over the years. This can cause huge issues for ...

SR Law Solicitors London: The address could also lead to some of the usual typos we see with hyphenated URls or those that don't use the firm's name in them - e.g. Has it transferred into happy clients? class="infoquote "It was a very difficult time for me and I felt that they fought tooth and ...

The Injury Solicitor Salford: There is no 200-year-old solicitor sat behind a desk imparting wisdom to the rest of the staff. The branding is not nearly as important as the actual solicitor assigned to your case. We should briefly discuss this statement more generally though: class="infoquote "All ...

Trust Inheritance Limited: Related domains such as or the do not currently exist. It's important to make sure you're looking at the correct information when researching them, and probably a good idea to bookmark the correct site if you plan on coming back to it. B...

TSABI Ltd Solicitors: There has been a huge rise in clients of law firms being targeted by scammers. On this occasion, it definitely seems to be the case with a range of experience indicated including Mohammed Asghar and Fleur Ohonbamu who qualified in 1993 and 1999 respectively - going ...

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