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Not enough? Well not to worry. Here are some more of the helpful information articles our staff have drawn together and published on our main 1to1Legal website:

2 Harcourt Chambers: If you check out pages on some barristers at Two Harcourt Buildings such as https: barristers-register 4BBE91514B136EDB21768133AD6D31CD.html" Paul Cavin< a>, https: barristers-register 452A210627B338F116D81EE9A60...

A City Law Firm: That might sound an obvious thing to have but there are dozens of law firms that still have not moved to https on their website's yet. However for business to business service providers such as A City Law Firm such testimonials pages are usually a little different. If...

Backhouse Solicitors Ltd: These redirects are an important service we think not enough lawyers pay attention to in order to protect their clients. Without devaluing their acheivement, we should point out why this is unusual. Always check you're on the correct site and don't be afraid to call the off...

Beers Solicitors LLP: Sadly https: news conveyancing-fraud-gang-jailed-for-diverting-deposit-monies 5103305.article" thousands of people have handed their life savings< a> over to fraudsters simply because they received an email telling them the bank details for their hous...

Bellax Solicitors: The second is about how much experience the actual solicitor has. class="infoquote "With our experience of acting for claimants and defendants we can spot potential problems early"< div> A quick note on navigation. Despite this, there are a handful of thing...

Branch Austin McCormick Solicitors: So when we see a firm claiming to have a history going back to the 1561 - so long ago there was an entry in the Guinness Book of Records about it - we were sceptical, but very interested. What we don't like is when solicitors go too far and start listing their favouri...

Bridge McFarland Solicitors: Any claims they make on their site about experience are certainly validated. The other two mean they've simply added up the years of all the staff (e.g. There are many resources available to you though and many things you might not have considered when checking a legal...

Brown & Co Solicitors: So what are people saying about the firm on the independent boards: class="infoquote "answer phonecalls and reply emails almost immediately and even on weekends" "never had to call him as he always kept me updated via email or text" "license was granted on that ve...

Buchanan & Co Solicitors Ltd: But according to our poll a few years back only 8% of you put any stock in company provided reviews. Luckily there is a great resource online with The Law Society of England & Wales who provide a wealth of data on any law firm registered with them. But in fact the C...

Burton & Co Quality Solicitors: The QS site is https secure for submitting your personal details via the contact forms. . class="infoquote "Acted quickly and very professional" "Things were moved quickly and Felicity was always on the ball" "Fast, efficient and helpful" "was very help...

Cheshire Estates and Legal Ltd: These days that doesn't just mean picking between one of the high street solicitors in your town. The firm's branding is quite clear and unique so searches for their name and the usual variants (e.g. But it can get confusing for those stepping into the arena for the first ti...

Cook's Solicitors: Regular variants such as or are not owned by the firm which is important to note because of the amount of fraud currently hitting the property law market. For example those firms stating 'founded in 1881' or even older dat...

David Stinson & Co Solicitors: The most commonly checked are https: search?q=David+Stinson+%26+Co&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=David+Stinson+%26+Co&aqs=chrome..69i57j0i22i30l2j0i22i30i457j0i22i30j69i59.840j0j7&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8#lrd=0x47df347b954543ed:0x83e17f72b53b5edb,1,,," Goo...

Disrepair Claims UK: So whilst we still are not keen on the whole CMC thing as a general rule, in this instance using a company like may be the only available option for many. There are firms and even individual solicitors that cover a wide range of case types, sort of 'ja...

Frazer Coogans Solicitors: The LawScot site only provides search results with a for the basic bits of info. But on a law website it can look to some as almost brand new. For ex...

Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Ltd: We've seen variants such as 'goldsmith and bowers' showing up in searches due to the number of law firms that use that separator for partner names in the firm. The answer isn't completely black and white, but certainly there is enough anecdotal evidence from our 20+ years i...

Guardian Law Ltd: This firm's official website is but brings up a different legal practice in the USA. We have consistently warned people about the public review boards when researching a company you're thinking of using. So what other resources are t...

Hill House Chambers Barristers: The main website is at which we link to above. A chambers is more like a collective of individuals so whilst there will be a main office monitoring everything, you will typically be much more involved with the person handling your case. At ...

JPS Walker Solicitors: A quick note on navigation. Some go really overboard trying to claim ancient founding dates such as 'established in 1771'. That date however is simply when that particular name started to be used. So there is definitely experience within the firm , and even better as ...

KRS Wills & Probate: A quick note on navigation as we're dealing with an acronymed company name and non-branded web address. There have also been many changes to the types of solutions people can have beyond 'solicitors'. Sadly, most law firms we've seen (and we've been reviewing the...

Lefevres Scotland Ltd: But the legal industry is one of a tiny minority that still thinks there is some gain to be had from being claiming their brand name is really, really old. The first only means there are no fees if your case loses. In our honest opinion though, that's complete nonsense and...

LS Legal Solicitors: class="infoquote "Our objective is to provide high quality legal advice through a professionally managed legal practice"< div> Although LS Legal displays several statements about handling a 'wide range' of cases, if you look closer you'll see many areas of law ...

Mac Jones Solicitors: The things we use to evaluate a firm are probably things most potential clients do as well. Just ... People simply aren't as quick to discuss their divorce, criminal defence, bankruptcy, etc. Put that all together though, and it backs up the firm's claim on their website: ...

Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors: A 200 year old firm could still stick you with a 1-year qualified lawyer. It's a good idea to read comments when it comes to legal service providers as well rather than just checking star ratings. Alongside the qualification dates for the solicitors on the law society w...

Milners Law LLP: People recieve emails from scammers stating the bank details they need to pay their house deposit into have changed. not trying to jack-of-all-trades things. We always recommend reading actual comments rather than flicking through ratings anyway when it comes to law firm r...

MJV Law Solicitors: Just ask and, if we can, we will."< div> Luckily The Law Society of England & Wales provides an excellent user side resource for people to check up on and verify certain aspects of the law firms under its care. It wasn't until we researched MJV Solicitors that we rea...

Fentimans My Law Matters: Sometimes they operate using both the original and new trading names simultaneously. We can honestly say that in the past two decades we've never seen that happen . That can be a huge help because for some reason, law firms are quite obsessed with quoting founding dates. ...

One Law Solicitors & Barristers: With that in mind we always recommend people read actual comments left rather than simply flicking through the star ratings. It also provides the qualification dates and specialties of each legal professional within a firm. For each firm it provides user-side data includin...

LRose Law Ltd: Housing Disrepair & Other Litigation"< div> Statements like these on various law firm's websites can be confusing because it doesn't seem to equate that you can be a 'specialist' of a such a long list of anything. Sadly Google was showing adverts at the top for some of...

RM Solicitors: Yes, if the firm is registered with a law society then you can usually find out quite a bit about them independently. In the same way that a Family Law specialist will handle divorce, child custody, and more; most cases involving claims against a third party for compens...

Simper Law: Kim Simper comes up as having qualified as a solicitor in 1992, with Sally Riches qualifying in 2001, and Victoria Rose-Smart in 2016. Tech companies, restaurants, social media providers, and so on are always on the look out for the next new thing. Which makes it far more be...

Smith & Graham Solicitors: We've seen law firms with 5 star reviews for their food and 1 star reviews for the bad haircut they got. The first is the expertise of the staff, and more importantly - their experience. But it actually contains two of the main things we think you should look at when picki...

Stowe Family Law Solicitors: That's coming from someone who has been in the legal industry for over 20 years and had to seek out divorce lawyers twice. A large firm that gives you a free interview to discuss your case and costs before making you sign the dotted line is actually rarer than you might thi...

Swain and Co Solicitors: Retaining a smaller local brand name for each area can make a huge difference. For example in Havant (near Portsmouth) they list a range of staff including Samantha Lee who qualified as a solicitor in 1995, Kelly Applegate in 2000, Tina Smith in 2013, right up to Kara ...

Taylor Price Legal Ltd: We've seen that more times than should be expected.) Certainly there is a lot of praise and accompanying acronyms being thrown around their staff too. Surely an ideal mix for any legal service provider? class="infoquote "Our team members have been ranked as lead...

Thaxted Legal Immigration: And then less than three weeks later, I received the new visa" "followed the processes up to date and warned about the deadlines"< div> These are just a few snippets from various reviews left but still provide a pretty general overview of the comments we saw. It pro...

The Lady Barrister: We also hope it clarifies why Stephanie Heijdra was one of such legal professionals we decided to add to our own network.. Usually we do not include company provided testimonials after the poll we took a few years ago indicated less than 8% of people trusted them. That's b...

Summerfield Browne: So is this firm any different? Obviously we think 'yes' as you can tell from our opener about them being a leading firm using a setup that is now increasingly common. When Covid hit many companies across all industries realised they can do the job just as easily fr...

The Legal Practice Solicitors: So whilst there is no solicitor in the firm with the full 50 years' experience, we certainly can't say they are lacking it. Sometimes simply because they received an official-looking email that said the bank details for payment had changed. The most common to make people not...

Trojan Solicitors: The majority did so simply because they received an email that told them the bank details for their solicitor had changed. For example, they claim to be "award-winning" on their front page but there was no real clarity about what those awards are. That means you can actually...

Ullah Law Associates: There is a difference (and we'll tell you how to spot it below) between a firm where all the solicitors try to handle all the various case types - and a firm where each of the solicitors are specialists in their own area of law. For example, the biggest scam going around t...

WH Law Ltd: you'll usually be able to pick up enough bits and pieces. Just remember to read all comments and not rely on average star ratings. But not all specialists are the same. class="infoquote "Unfortunately immigrating to the UK is not simple. (And that's tough to sa...

Wildcat Law Solicitors: Alot of firms might state they are 'award winning' without ever actually letting you know whether that award was for best logo design or something actually useful for practicing law. The official website we link to above is which is https secure for su...

Woodstock Legal Services Ltd: Some law firms list hobbies, pets names, and even favourite colours which we think is not only pointless, but a little off putting on a serious legal services site. Having worked in the legal industry for over 20 years we're still surprised to come across some firms that ...

Young & Co Solicitors: The whole firm and all staff can focus on a single area of law such as Motoring Offences - that's obvious specialism. The official website for Young & Co is with being for a brewery and not having any website at all. Pra...

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