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Not enough? Well not to worry. Here are some more of the helpful information articles our staff have drawn together and published on our main 1to1Legal website:

2 Harcourt Chambers: Especially if there isn't much extra independent information to base a decision on instead. . Coming back to the differences in setup mentioned before, a law chambers is not like a law firm of solicitors. Not least because they provide very little data on firms and a...

A City Law Firm: That last bit of data is hugely helpful when it comes to working out if a firm is experienced or not. We've seen a lawyer with a 5 star review for their 'new italian menu' and a 1 star rating for a Criminal Law specialist for refusing to handle someone's divorce. In...

Backhouse Solicitors Ltd: People have handed over tens of thousands in home deposits to fraudulent bank accounts sometimes based on nothing more than an official-looking email stating the payment details have changed. Not only is that an extraordinary number of reviews for a UK law firm, but the fa...

Beers Solicitors LLP: It's true the majority of firms we write about are going to receive fairly positive comments because we've already vetted them for addition to our search database. Obviously alternatives such as or bring up beverage related websites and none of the bee...

Bellax Solicitors: class="infoquote "dealt with my case in a very supportive and informative manner" "all the staff are incredibly friendly and helpful" "dealt with my claim in a very professional manner and easy to deal with" "very helpful and professional at explaining ...

Branch Austin McCormick Solicitors: For example, at the time of writing the firm lists Steven Gardner who qualified as a solicitor back in 1970, Tania Austin (qualified in 1984), Harender Branch (1999), Hal Branch (2001), Elliot Hammer (2014), right up to Sheida Zeinali who qualified in 2021. Another is for fr...

Bridge McFarland Solicitors: Photos of people in suits smiling and shaking hands with bits of paper in their hands are very nice, but they don't help you decide one firm from the other. Take this example: class="infoquote "Bridge McFarland LLP is a leading regional law firm that holds an exceptio...

Brown & Co Solicitors: Does this translate into happy clients? For this we always turn to the public boards like https: search?q=brown+and+co+solicitors+london&rlz=1C1CHBF_en-GBGB926GB926&oq=brown+and+co+solicitors+london&aqs=chrome..69i57j46i175i199i512j69i57.7321j0j4&sour...

Buchanan & Co Solicitors Ltd: Luckily there is a great resource online with The Law Society of England & Wales who provide a wealth of data on any law firm registered with them. So what are the independent forums saying? class="infoquote "Professional staff. In fact, they could probably d...

Burton & Co Quality Solicitors: Burton and Co LLP https: office 466124 burton-co-llp" are registered with< a> The Law Society of England & Wales which is great because it is by far the best. All cards on the table - we like Burton & Co . Therefore they believe leaving the n...

Cheshire Estates and Legal Ltd: We haven't looked in depth at their recruitment program so are unaware of any job vacancies available. We therefore searched the various publications to check up on their claim. Especially firms in the property market where online scams are rampant.

General Notes:...

Cook's Solicitors: Not their own clients. Regular variants such as or are not owned by the firm which is important to note because of the amount of fraud currently hitting the property law market. All trading names, office locations, languag...

David Stinson & Co Solicitors: The only exception to this would really be a medical negligence case against the NHS. 9 times out of 10 they will just be variations of 'I would recommend them highly'. In fact, you should never be charged any fees either up front or during the case. they are all forms of li...

Disrepair Claims UK: Because we're trying to get people directly in touch with a legal professional which they can evaluate and choose themselves - claims management companies don't generally fit our mould. They will put out spammy posts in groups offering cash or supermarket vouchers if you r...

Frazer Coogans Solicitors: The claim following this one on the Frazer Coogan website is a little stronger though , stating that the current Senior Director (Norman Geddes) has: class="infoquote "... For some reason, thousands of people have handed over their entire house deposit to fraudsters s...

Goldsmith Bowers Solicitors Ltd: If you check out https: office 475767 goldsmith-bowers-ltd" the page for any firm< a> they will typically show you any alternate company names used, a list of staff, areas of law practiced, and the qualification dates of solicitors there. This...

Guardian Law Ltd: So make sure you are always on the correct site and never discuss payment details via email. Please also note that the firm's original HR site at has now moved to as a separate resources. That's a good four decades of combined expe...

Hill House Chambers Barristers: class="infoquote "Are you a solicitor looking for a barrister to instruct, or a member of the public looking for the right direct access barrister for your case, what should you be looking for?"< div> That snippet from the Hill House website is certainly a good s...

JPS Walker Solicitors: This competition has really benefited clients in ensuring firms really buckle down and excel in a certain area. So despite there being a long list of types of injuries, covering them all still counts as a specialised area of law. The official website is currently www.jpswalk...

KRS Wills & Probate: Such as: class="infoquote "I appreciate how busy people are ... (Those are some of the more common complaints we see about law firms in general on the web.) class="infoquote "A very caring gentleman who took time out during his day to meet mum and I to sign the ...

Lefevres Scotland Ltd: People are https: static connected-families conveyancing-email-scam-hackers-steal-house-deposit " handing tens of thousands of pounds over to fraudsters< a> sometimes after only receiving a single email telling them the bank details for payment have cha...

LS Legal Solicitors: LS Legal is an interesting case study and a helpful way to explain how law firms can be set up these days. Hence why we were happy to recommend them across our network. A quick note on navigation though as the official website we link to above is

Mac Jones Solicitors: Even better: get an actual solicitor with both. There are a considerable number of reviews for each office on Google and dozens of others across the other independent boards. So what are people saying: class="infoquote "Any questions they replied efficiently and exp...

Michael Leighton Jones Solicitors: They provide a wealth of user-side data including all office locations, other trading names used, languages spoken, as well as the qualification dates of the legal staff. However it would still be fair to call this firm a group of 'specialists' as well. For example, we did...

Milners Law LLP: class="infoquote "Our partners have amassed some seriously heavyweight legal experience working for bigger, more expensive, law firms. The branding is 'Milners' but you will see most title-ing being 'Milners Solicitors' and the website address is based on Milners Law. ...

MJV Law Solicitors: In 20+ years we've never seen the contrary. We've been working in the legal industry for over 20 years now and can certainly remember a lot more 'XZY & Son' brands being around. Make sure you're on the correct site and never discuss payments via email. . The last two th...

Fentimans My Law Matters: They state these are reviews copy pasted from the Trustpilot website. But the main thing people tend to look for when researching any firm is their online reviews. According to the law society website, the solicitors behind My Law Matters have a range of entry dates into the...

One Law Solicitors & Barristers: So how do you know which ones are experienced, qualified, and right for you? There are of course several good resources to help you such as the various law societies. There have been a lot of negative moves by the government over the past two decades that have impacted the...

LRose Law Ltd: Many companies have created Testimonial pages on their website. If a legal practice https: office 15402 lrose-law-limited" is registered with them< a> you can see all known trading names, contact details, alternative office addresses, staff qu...

RM Solicitors: class="infoquote "Reynolds Macdonald Solicitors was established in 2007"< div> Considering there's still a huge number of law firms quoting ancient founding dates such as 'established in 1771', a firm that opened in 2007 may sound almost brand new in comparison. S...

Simper Law: We've also seen several negative ratings by people who were angry that a firm refused to take their case on - which seems really unfair. But it goes without saying that you can end up with a 1-year-qualified, completely inexperienced solicitor from a 200-year-old law firm ju...

Smith & Graham Solicitors: But hopefully from the examples and resources quoted in the article below, you'll see why they have been added to our network. So the fact Smith and Graham solicitors have a wide range of seasoned professionals alongside fresh blood is something much more of note. ...

Stowe Family Law Solicitors: The second impressive thing we'd point out is the firm's opening hours. So you can't just go on Google, type the firm name, and see all reviews in this instance. Fortunately or unfortunately depending on your view, some review boards https: search?q=st...

Swain and Co Solicitors: The branding of these three offices is Swain & Co Solicitors Ltd who are part of Young and Co Solicitors Ltd (that's the 'Y' on the edge of the logo). That's just plain rude. class="infoquote "We provide a number of payment options: No Win No Fee, Legal Aid, Monthly pa...

Taylor Price Legal Ltd: Taylor Price has a group of lawyers who joined the profession in every one of the last four decades. Although if you're anything like us, the main interest is usually the negative comments to see if there are any glaring bad themes appearing. We've seen them get one star rat...

Thaxted Legal Immigration: class="infoquote "We are specialist immigration firm based in London, UK, experienced and dedicated to providing quality service to corporate and private clients."< div> This snippet from the Thaxted Legal Ltd website says exactly the same sort of things you'd s...

The Lady Barrister: As they do not work as a team that doesn't really help you as a client know much about how your case might potentially be handled. We also hope it clarifies why Stephanie Heijdra was one of such legal professionals we decided to add to our own network.. We think that lend...

Summerfield Browne: Hopefully we will see all law firms offer free initial consultations in the future, even just 30 mins over video chat. We've always said to ignore average ratings and always read comments . On the subject of the site, the official address is

The Legal Practice Solicitors: If someone calls saying they are from your solicitor's office and you don't recognise the person - never feel uncomfortable about saying you're going to hang up and ring them back on the official phone number you have. For The Legal Practice they show a range of experie...

Trojan Solicitors: Agnieszka is listed as an Immigration specialist and has extra accreditation for such matters from the Law Society as well. Since Brexit, having a lawyer with genuine enthusiasm and care for immigration matters is not just beneficial - but practically imperative. t...

Ullah Law Associates: We've always been a fan of case studies but we've been working in the industry for over 20 years now. It has not kept up with the rise in regular inflation fees at all. The official name is ULA Solicitors Ltd and if you see any mentions of Ullah Law Associates (U.L.A.) ...

WH Law Ltd: Immigration is constantly changing, increasingly complicated, time limited, and not something you get quick second chances at. That is not always an incorrect use of the word. That's good. class="infoquote "Unfortunately immigrating to the UK is not simple. The amou...

Wildcat Law Solicitors: However if you think about it no firm is ever going to claim to be the opposite - i.e. The firms branding is quite unique so even error searches we tried such as 'wildcat legal' brought up the correct firm. So what can? class="infoquote "When reviewing the performan...

Woodstock Legal Services Ltd: Some law firms list hobbies, pets names, and even favourite colours which we think is not only pointless, but a little off putting on a serious legal services site. We highly recommend checking any firm you're considering against their information. It stands to reason th...

Young & Co Solicitors: class="infoquote "Public Funding or 'Legal aid' is available for Care Proceedings and Domestic Violence Domestic Abuse injunctions (where financially eligible)."< div> This is actually a much more impressive statement than you might think. We also hold CQS, The L...

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